This setup is based upon 1 feature and 1 plug-in developed in Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers. The plug-in contains a product configuration and two Java classes; HelloWorld.java and Application.java. This document will go step-by-step on what is involved in building/developing a basic RCP feature application for deployment. Note: This process assumes the developer is using the Plug-in Development perspective and using the Package Explorer to view files.
Structure Creation
This is where projects, files, configurations are initially created.
1) Create a Plug-in
a) Right-Click, New -> Project
b) Expand Plug-in Development, Select “Plug-in Project”
c) Give the Plug-in a name such as 'org.vbn.helloworld.plugin'.
d) Make sure in Target Platform, an “OSGi framework: Equinox” is selec
ted and click Next
e) Change version to '1.0.0' and uncheck “Generate an activator, a Java class...” and click Next
f) Uncheck “Create a plug-in using one of the templates” and click Finish
2) Create a Feature
a) Right-Click, New -> Project
b) Expand Plug-in Development, Select “Feature Project”
c) Give the Feature a name such as “org.vbn.hel
loworld.feature” and change version to '1.0.0' and press Next.
d) Make sure that “Initialize from the plug-ins list:” radio is select and choose find and select the previous Plugin name that you just created. Finally, click Finish.
3) Writing the Java Source
a) HelloWorld.java
1. Under your plug-in project and on the /src folder, Right-Click, New -> Class
2. Give your class a package such as 'org.vbn.helloworld'
3. Give your class a name the name HelloWorld.' and then click Finish
4. The test code that I used is:

b) Application.java
1. Under your plug-in project and on the /src folder, Right-Click, New -> Class
2. Give your class a package such as 'org.vbn.helloworld'
3. Give your class a name the name Application.' and then click Finish
4. The test code that I used is:
4) Adding the Product Configuration
a) Right-Click on your plug-in, New -> Product Configuration
b) Give it a file name such as 'Product_Config' and click Finish
This is where the dependencies are set and everything is hooked up to work.
a) Double-Click on MANIFEST.MF in /META_INF in your plug-in's project folder
b) Click on the Dependencies Tab and then under “Required Plug-ins”, Click on “Add.”
1. Type in 'org.eclipse.core.runtime,' Select “org.eclipse.core.runtime(3.5.0)” and Click OK
c) Click on the Extensions Tab and under “All Extensions,” Click on “Add.”
1. NOTE: If extensions aren't visible as a Tab, go back to the Overview Tab and click on the Extensions link under “Extension/Extension Point Content.”
2. Either through the filter or just by scrolling down, find “org.eclipse.core.runtime.products” and select it and Click Finish.
3. Click again on “Add” and then either through the filter or just by scrolling down, find “org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications” and select it and Click Finish.
4. Setup the configuration as the following:
i. org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications
1. ID: org.vbn.helloworld.application
2. Name: application
3. Right-Click on (application), New -> Run
4. Click Browse and find the Application class that was created previously. Once found, select OK.
ii. org.eclipse.core.runtime.products
1. ID: org.vbn.helloworld.product
2. Name: product
3. Click on “...(product)”
1. application: org.vbn.helloworld.application
2. name: product
2) feature.xml
a) Double-Click on feature.xml under the feature project folder.
b) Click on the Plug-ins Tab and then under “Plug-Ins and Fragments,” click on “Add.”
c) Type in “org.eclipse.rcp” and Select org.eclipse.rcp(0.0.0) and Click OK
d) Go back into “Add” and type in your plug-in name (ie. org.vbn.helloworld.plugin), Select it and Click OK.
e) Click on the Dependencies Tab and under “Required Features/Plug-Ins ”
1. Check Recompute when feature plug-ins change for any future changes to the plug-ins.
2. Click on “Compute” for it to add the dependency for you. Note: what should be added should be org.eclipse.core.runtime.
3) Product Configuration file (Product_Config.product)
a) Double-Click on the product configuration file under the plug-in project folder.
b) In the Overview Tab, fill in the following information:
1. ID: org.vbn.helloworld.product
2. Version: 1.0.0
3. Name: product
4. Under Product Definition:
i. Product: org.vbn.helloworld.product
ii. Application: org.vbn.helloworld.application
iii. For “The product configuration is based on,” select “features.”
c) Under the Dependencies Tab, Click on “Add” and add “org.vbn.helloworld.feature(1.0.0)”
d) Then afterwards Click again on “Add” and add “org.eclipse.rcp(3.5.1...).”
To Test:
· Go to the Product Configuration file and in Overview, Click on “Launch an Eclipse Application” or ”Launch an Eclipse application in Debug mode”
To Export
· Go to the Product Configuration file and in Overview, Click on “Eclipse Product export wizard.”
◦ Choose the root directory name (such as HelloWorld)
◦ Choose the destination directory
◦ Uncheck “Generate metadata repository”
◦ Click “Finish”
· If you want the console to show in the background, add “-console” flag to a shortcut targetting the deployed executable.